Okay let’s just say it, there are TOO many skincare products out there. How the hell do you know if:
A) you are using the correct skincare products for your skin
B) If they are any good at achieving the skin you wish to have?!
So what type of skincare products you should have all comes down to what you want to achieve from your products. Everyone wants a healthier, clear complexion. It’s about finding the right products for your skin and I know that can be totally mind-boggling.
First things first, let’s talk cleanser
Personally, I wouldn’t use any other cleanser other than a foam cleanser. Why? Because it removes all bacteria which, if left, will turn into bacteria. Bacteria will then turn into breakouts. Foam cleanser leaves your skin feeling squeaky clean and refreshed. Clinicare foam cleanser is suitable for all skin types and is packed with moisturising and collagen-boosting ingredients. These protect the skin, without disrupting the epidermal barrier.
Do you currently have sensitive, irritated and inflamed skin? Acne or rosacea skin?
If you do, ALWAYS go with skincare products with an anti-inflammatory. I would recommend Clinicare Pure Range which includes a toner, moisturiser and a serum. It’s important to get the whole range if you are determined to get the skin you wish. These products are packed with key ingredients to calm and soothe, as well as moisturise your skin.
Do you suffer from dry hyperpigmentation, age spots and or dull-looking skin?
This could be because you are lacking moisture, so it’s super important to get that moisture back into your skin. Dry skin tends to lead to fine lines and wrinkles. I would recommend Clinicare Glow Range toner, moisturiser and serum which targets all of the above and leaves your skin feeling hydrated and all glowy!
Fine lines and wrinkles… wah! We want them to stay away for as long as possible right?!
So getting on top of your skincare is important sooner rather than later. The Clinicare Refresh range not only hydrates the skin but smooths out fine lines and wrinkles. You will feel an instant change if used regularly.
Can I use any skincare products?
NO! Please don’t do this. I have many people who say, I just use what my friend uses as they said it was really good. Or I just buy whatever is on special offer at the time. Everyone’s skin is different what works for them may not work for you. If you are just buying any skincare products, they are more than likely not correct for your skin. Not only are you wasting money, but you are also damaging your skin in the process. It is always a good idea to visit a skin expert. They can offer free advice on products that would suit your skin type.
Why is it important to have a skincare routine?
A good skincare routine is KEY to achieving your skin goals of a healthier, clear, glowing complexion. It helps remove dead skin cells which, if left, could build up bacteria. A good skincare routine can also help prevent acne and wrinkles and help your skin look its’ best for longer.
Let’s recap
If you ask yourself these following:
How do I get rid of the dark patches on my skin?
How can I treat pigmentation?
How can I get my skin to glow?
How do I reduce age spots?
How do I reduce sun damage?
Glow range is for you.
If you ask yourself these following:
How do I treat red skin?
How do I treat Rosacea?
How do I treat Acne?
How do I treat Blackheads?
How do I get rid of my spots?
Pure Range is for you.
If you ask yourself these following:
How do I get rid of sagging skin?
How can I help my fine lines and wrinkles?
How do I reduce my ageing skin?
How do I change the texture of my skin?
How do I reduce my hooded eyelids?
Refresh Range is for you.
Where can I buy skincare products that are right for my skin? I hear you asking …
Christchurch Derma Spa is a skin clinic in Christchurch, Dorset, offering bespoke skin treatments such as Deep Cleanse Facials, Chemical Peels, Microdermabrasion and Skin Tightening as well as prescribing you the correct skincare for your skin.
Book in your expert skin consultation today…
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