Take action on ‘maskne’

Are you suffering from more acne breakouts on your face recently? It could be because you are wearing a face mask. ‘Maskne’ describes acne which has been caused by wearing a mask.

Unfortunately, if you are prone to acne, wearing a face mask may make things worse for your skin. Face masks are of course a vital part of the government’s strategy to combat the spread of COVID-19. But they limit the airflow around your face. This means your skin isn’t able to breathe as it normally would. Skin cells that would normally shed during the day are trapped on your skin. The mask itself also rubs against the skin which can allow bacteria, dirt and oil to get underneath the surface pf your skin and clog up pores.

You can easily tell if it’s maskne as your breakout will be limited to your chin, nose and mouth, around where your face mask usually sits. The spots themselves are actually slightly different as well. They are more likely to appear as shallow whiteheads, rather than the deeper, painful red spots that you might usually see with acne.

The good news is that, especially if you have to wear a mask all day for work, there are things you can do to help.

✔️ Regular facials, to help clean the skin and open up clogged pores

✔️ The correct skincare products for your skin type

✔️ Skincare supplements to boost your skin from within

These two Advance Nutrition Programme products could really help if you are suffering from maskne:

Photo Advanced Nutrition Programme Skin Accumax and Skin Omegas supplements



  • Supports problem skin
  • Clarifies complexion
  • Supports skin health



  • Like an internal moisturiser for the skin
  • Gives skin a luminous
  • Nourishes dry skin all over the body
  • Supports skin health

The full Advance Nutrition Programme premium range of supplements, which support healthy skin and help enhance your overall wellbeing, is available at Christchurch Derma Spa.

If you feel as though your skin is lacking or you are having a bad break out due to wearing masks, please get in touch for an expert skin consultation at our clinic in Christchurch, Dorset:

Book a skin consultation

You can also download our FREE ultimate skin guide here