Tag Archives: charity events

EEK … I’ve signed up to abseil 100 metres down the Spinnaker Tower!

  Yes, that huge tower in the picture, and I’m absolutely terrified. Don’t worry – I haven’t lost the plot. I just really wanted to do something to raise money for Alzheimer’s Society. Did you know? There are currently estimated to be 900,000 people in the UK with dementia. Many are undiagnosed and facing the realities of their condition. Dementia has been termed “the biggest health and social challenge of our time.” We all know someone who is affected by Alzheimer’s In my case, two people I am close to are seeing this awful disease affect their family. Alzheimer’s Society is the only dementia charity that offers dedicated support to those who need it now, campaigns for change and funds groundbreaking research for a better tomorrow. My children ask me why I’m doing it if it scares me My answer … Continue reading

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