Tag Archives: chemical peels

So excited to launch my new AlumierMD Peels!

I am thrilled to announce that my new AlumierMD Chemical Peels are now available. As you know, I am a huge fan of AlumierMD products, having launched them at the clinic last year. Now that I have been up to London to complete the training for their medical-grade chemical peels, you can all benefit from these amazing treatments. I am simply blown away by the results. Every Chemical Peel you book includes the AlumierMD Post Procedure Prescription Kit. This contains essential soothing homecare products formulated specifically to be used for the seven days following your peel. AlumierMD Chemical Peels can boost your skin in so many ways ✔️ Improving skin texture and tone ✔️ Exfoliating dead skin and smoothing your complexion ✔️ Reducing fine lines and wrinkles ✔️ Tackling Problems like acne ✔️ Getting your glow back! Radiant 30 Radiant … Continue reading

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What is pigmentation?

If you pay close attention to your skin, you may have noticed small areas of discolouration and darkening. Not those freckles… I’m talking uneven dark patches that seem to persist on your face, neck, shoulders and hands. This is pigmentation – or brown spots as they’re more commonly known. How can you get pigmentation? It is caused by the sun. In this blog, I wanted to give you as much information on pigmentation as possible because some have it and don’t even realise. So, what are these dark patches on my skin? Okay, let’s jump straight in. Also known as hyper-pigmentation, pigmentation occurs due to an increase in the number of pigment-producing cells in the skin, or the pigmented substance they produce (melanin). Why do I have pigmentation on my skin? Interestingly, it’s not always brought on by sun exposure … Continue reading

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