Tag Archives: cosmetic peels

What is pigmentation?

If you pay close attention to your skin, you may have noticed small areas of discolouration and darkening. Not those freckles… I’m talking uneven dark patches that seem to persist on your face, neck, shoulders and hands. This is pigmentation – or brown spots as they’re more commonly known. How can you get pigmentation? It is caused by the sun. In this blog, I wanted to give you as much information on pigmentation as possible because some have it and don’t even realise. So, what are these dark patches on my skin? Okay, let’s jump straight in. Also known as hyper-pigmentation, pigmentation occurs due to an increase in the number of pigment-producing cells in the skin, or the pigmented substance they produce (melanin). Why do I have pigmentation on my skin? Interestingly, it’s not always brought on by sun exposure … Continue reading

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