Tag Archives: RF Skin Tightening

How to get rid of my cellulite

Cellulite is a harmless skin condition that is lumpy and dimpled flesh on the abdomen, bottom, thighs and hips. You may have heard people call it orange peel, or cottage cheese. Cellulite is more common in females than males due to the different distributions of fat, muscle and connective tissue. Do I have cellulite? If you are unsure if you have cellulite, the easiest way to check is by pinching the skin around your upper thigh. Is it looking a bit lumpy? If it is, then you more than likely have it. Don’t let it get you down as you are not alone, around 80 – 90% of women may experience cellulite at some point. What causes it? Cellulite is a result of the connective tissue to the underlying muscle, with fat lying between. As the fat cells accumulate, they … Continue reading

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